167 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: The Rationale for a Multimodal Approach to Pain Treatment

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    Il prof. Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927) è stato canonizzato dalla Chiesa Cattolica il 25 ottobre 1987. Con tale atto venivano riconosciute le straordinarie doti di umanità di un medico che dedicò la sua vita all’assistenza degli infermi, considerando la sua opera una “sublime missione”. La fama del “medico santo” o del “medico dei poveri”, come il popolo lo definiva, era diffusissima e subito dopo la sua morte egli è stato oggetto di numerose biografie. Queste trattazioni, opera soprattutto di agiografi religiosi, hanno poco analizzato il Moscati medico e scienziato e, nei pochi casi in cui ciò è avvenuto, è stata comunque privilegiata la descrizione del Moscati medico, toccando solo marginalmente gli aspetti salienti della sua attività di scienziato e ricercatore. Lo scopo del presente elaborato è di fornire un approfondimento sulla figura del Moscati scienziato, contestualizzando la sua attività scientifica nell’ambito dei filoni di ricerca biochimica e fisiologica fiorenti all’inizio del XX secolo. Da una più attenta analisi, questa copiosa e articolata produzione scientifica ci appare originale per i contenuti delle ricerche e per il metodo scientifico utilizzato. Pertanto, anche se Moscati non ha prodotto scoperte scientifiche sensazionali e la sua figura di ricercatore è stata raramente citata dalle fonti di storia della medicina, non è azzardato ritenere che la fama del Santo ha paradossalmente offuscato quella dello scienziato, non consentendogli di ricevere i dovuti riconoscimenti.Professor Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927) was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1987. This act recognized the extraordinary qualities of a doctor who, considering his work as a “sublime mission”, dedicated his life to helping the sick. The fame of the “Holy doctor” or “doctor of the poor”, as people called him, was soon widespread and, immediately after his death, made him the subject of several biographies. These treatises, mainly written by religious hagiographers, have little analyzed Moscati as a doctor and scientist, or, in rare cases, privileged the description of his medical career, touching only marginally salient aspects of his work as a scientist and researcher. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the figure of Moscati as a scientist, contextualizing his research activities in the scientific fields of biochemistry and physiology, which were flourishing in the early twentieth century. By a more careful analysis, his scientific production appears original for the resource-poor context and the innovative research method. The Italian scientist, combining physiological chemistry and biochemistry at the clinic, anticipated the birth of modern branches as the “Laboratory Medicine” and the “Clinical Pathology”. In particular, he carried out studies on diabetes, storage diseases, metabolism, toxicology, pathology, nephrology and occupational diseases. Moreover, he anticipated the concept of modern laboratory in the oncological field as means for the characterization of the “nature” of neoplasms and related therapeutic approaches. Therefore, even if Moscati was rarely mentioned by the sources of the history of medicine, it is safe to assume that the fame of the Saint has paradoxically eclipsed that of the scientist, preventing him from receiving the necessary reward


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    Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment. In the nineteenth century, the “golden age” of electrotherapy, the development of this discipline was part of a historical-scientific context characterized by the affirmation of neurology as an autonomous branch and, finally, detached from psychiatry. After a period of limited scientific interest and development, in the second half of the 20th century, electrotherapy underwent a revival. Nowadays, the use of electrotherapy has been researched and accepted in various fields of medicine, including but not limited to rehabilitation, neurology, pain management, and oncology. From its first applications, electrotherapy joined neurology which used it for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In Italy, several scientists carried out experiments on the subject, and an important contribution to the development of the discipline was provided by the “Neapolitan school of electrotherapy”. This improvement was made above all by Francesco Vizioli (1834- 1899) and his pupil Francesco Paolo Sgobbo (1860-1936). Despite these premises, however, the decline of electrotherapy as an autonomous science soon came. Meanwhile, radiology, associated initially with electrotherapy, developed rapidly. When Mario Bertolotti (1876- 1957), former professor of Radiology at the University of Turin and one of the founders of Italian radiology, succeeded Sgobbo in 1935, the name (and the discipline) “electrotherapy” was deleted from the diction of the new chair, and from that of the department, which was indicated only as “Radiology”. Radiodiagnostic devices, supplies, and roentgen therapy equipment replaced the numerous devices used for electrotherapy. This manuscript is focused on the Neapolitan school of electrotherapy from the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth. The work of the leading figures who have given the greatest impetus to the study and application of electrotherapy is described. Finally, the electrotherapy devices used are briefly illustrated.Elektroterapija je upotreba električne energije u svrhu liječenja. U 19. stoljeću, zlatnom dobu elektroterapije, razvoj te discipline bio je dio povijesno-znanstvenog konteksta koji je karakterizirala afirmacija neurologije kao autonomne grane, da bi se naposljetku odvojila od psihijatrije. Nakon razdoblja ograničenoga znanstvenog interesa i razvoja, elektroterapija je u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća doživjela preporod, a danas je uporaba elektroterapije istražena i prihvaćena u raznim područjima medicine, uključujući, ali ne ograničavajući se na rehabilitaciju, neurologiju, liječenje boli i onkologiju. Od svoje prve primjene elektroterapija se pridružila neurologiji koja ju je koristila u dijagnostičke i terapijske svrhe. U Italiji je nekoliko znanstvenika provelo eksperimente na tu temu, a važan doprinos razvoju discipline dala je “napuljska škola elektroterapije”. Prije svega na poboljšanju su radili Francesco Vizioli (1834. – 1899.) i njegov učenik Francesco Paolo Sgobbo (1860. – 1936.). Unatoč tim premisama, međutim, ubrzo je došlo do nazadovanja elektroterapije kao autonomne znanosti. U međuvremenu se radiologija, koja je izvorno bila povezana s elektroterapijom, sve brže razvijala. Kada je Mario Bertolotti (1876. – 1957.), bivši profesor radiologije na Sveučilištu u Torinu i jedan od utemeljitelja talijanske radiologije, 1935. naslijedio Sgobboa, naziv (i disciplina) “elektroterapija” izbrisan je iz naziva nove katedre, kao i iz odjela koji je označen samo kao Radiologija. Radiodijagnostički uređaji i pribor te oprema za rendgensku terapiju zamijenili su brojne uređaje za elektroterapiju. Ovaj članak fokusiran je na djelovanje „napuljske škole elektroterapije“ od kraja 19. do početka 20. stoljeća. Opisano je djelovanje vodećih osoba koje su dale najveći poticaj proučavanju i primjeni elektroterapije. Na kraju, ukratko su prikazani uređaji korišteni za elektroterapiju


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    Il prof. Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927) è stato canonizzato dalla Chiesa Cattolica il 25 ottobre 1987. Con tale atto venivano riconosciute le straordinarie doti di umanità di un medico che dedicò la sua vita all’assistenza degli infermi, considerando la sua opera una “sublime missione”. La fama del “medico santo” o del “medico dei poveri”, come il popolo lo definiva, era diffusissima e subito dopo la sua morte egli è stato oggetto di numerose biografie. Queste trattazioni, opera soprattutto di agiografi religiosi, hanno poco analizzato il Moscati medico e scienziato e, nei pochi casi in cui ciò è avvenuto, è stata comunque privilegiata la descrizione del Moscati medico, toccando solo marginalmente gli aspetti salienti della sua attività di scienziato e ricercatore. Lo scopo del presente elaborato è di fornire un approfondimento sulla figura del Moscati scienziato, contestualizzando la sua attività scientifica nell’ambito dei filoni di ricerca biochimica e fisiologica fiorenti all’inizio del XX secolo. Da una più attenta analisi, questa copiosa e articolata produzione scientifica ci appare originale per i contenuti delle ricerche e per il metodo scientifico utilizzato. Pertanto, anche se Moscati non ha prodotto scoperte scientifiche sensazionali e la sua figura di ricercatore è stata raramente citata dalle fonti di storia della medicina, non è azzardato ritenere che la fama del Santo ha paradossalmente offuscato quella dello scienziato, non consentendogli di ricevere i dovuti riconoscimenti.Professor Giuseppe Moscati (1880-1927) was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1987. This act recognized the extraordinary qualities of a doctor who, considering his work as a “sublime mission”, dedicated his life to helping the sick. The fame of the “Holy doctor” or “doctor of the poor”, as people called him, was soon widespread and, immediately after his death, made him the subject of several biographies. These treatises, mainly written by religious hagiographers, have little analyzed Moscati as a doctor and scientist, or, in rare cases, privileged the description of his medical career, touching only marginally salient aspects of his work as a scientist and researcher. The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into the figure of Moscati as a scientist, contextualizing his research activities in the scientific fields of biochemistry and physiology, which were flourishing in the early twentieth century. By a more careful analysis, his scientific production appears original for the resource-poor context and the innovative research method. The Italian scientist, combining physiological chemistry and biochemistry at the clinic, anticipated the birth of modern branches as the “Laboratory Medicine” and the “Clinical Pathology”. In particular, he carried out studies on diabetes, storage diseases, metabolism, toxicology, pathology, nephrology and occupational diseases. Moreover, he anticipated the concept of modern laboratory in the oncological field as means for the characterization of the “nature” of neoplasms and related therapeutic approaches. Therefore, even if Moscati was rarely mentioned by the sources of the history of medicine, it is safe to assume that the fame of the Saint has paradoxically eclipsed that of the scientist, preventing him from receiving the necessary reward

    Introductory Chapter: Delirium in Palliative Care

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    Pharmacological Approaches and Natural Products for Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy - A Review

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    Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a one of the most common and severe cancer treatment-related adverse effect. It can often cause the stop of the treatment and affects the long-term quality of life of cancer survivors, too. Unfortunately, there are no effective agent or protocol to prevent with strong evidence of effectiveness this toxicity prevention of CIPN. Thus, CIPN prevention mainly consists of cumulative dose-reduction or lower dose-intensities, especially in higher risk patients. After a brief description of pathophysiology and features of CIPN, the purpose of this study is to analyse the role of standard pharmacological approaches and natural products for prevention of this serious side effect

    Raising Awareness on the Clinical and Social Relevance of Adequate Chronic Pain Care

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    Appropriate pain care should be regarded as a right and effectively guaranteed to people with chronic pain (CP). Law 38, enacted in Italy in 2010, establishes the citizen's right not to suffer. Twelve years later, such right appears still disregarded in Italy and the current access to adequate pain care reveals significant shortcomings. In addition, a mismatch between CP-associated burden and the available healthcare resources in the framework of our national health system has been observed. This article gathers the perspectives of a Board of Italian anesthesiologists on the state of the art of CP management in Italy and aims at strengthening the scientific rationale and clinical relevance of pursuing the enforceability of the right not to suffer and at promoting widespread multidisciplinary care of patients with CP

    Strengths and Weaknesses of Cancer Pain Management in Italy: Findings from a Nationwide SIAARTI Survey

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    Objectives: Despite guidelines, a large percentage of cancer patients continue to suffer from ineffectively treated pain. The authors undertook this survey to assess the strengths and weaknesses of cancer pain management in Italy. Design: This was a prospectively administered survey. Participants: The participants were anesthesiologists of the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care (SIAARTI). Intervention: A 58-item questionnaire covered the demographics and features of cancer pain management in the Italian context. Results: The authors received responses from 611 pain therapists of 279 centers. Only 22% of physicians are exclusively pain therapists. Seventy-five percent are specialists in anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain medicine. Most pain centers are hospital or university facilities (78%). The strengths of cancer pain management in Italy are the careful opioid prescriptions, the use of strategies for the treatment of neuropathic pain, patient/healthcare provider partnerships, and breakthrough cancer pain management. Weaknesses to be addressed include poor adherence to guidelines, inadequate attention toward the patient's quality of life, insufficient use of minimally invasive techniques, lack of teamwork approaches, inappropriate timing of pain specialist engagement, and poor telemedicine use. Conclusions: Despite several strengths, further efforts are needed to improve the care of patients suffering from cancer pain in Italy